GXS AI: how to process slash in XML data

How to process special char like ® in GXS AI. The command SET_CHARSET(“OTOpen.set”) did not work

EDI shortcuts

If you are working with XML in GXS AI and your data contains a slash (like <Date>2016/01/08</Date>), you might face a situation when your map cannot process it, since slash is a special symbol.

Since this question is raised from time to time, I decided to write a short post about it. There are 2 ways (we are speaking about the map development, not about the map working in the production system):

1. you can change your data manually and add a release character in front of your slashes in the data
2. you can run otxmlcanon.exe pre-processor which would “fix” your XML file and do the same as it described in #1

otxmlcanon.exe -r  _in.xml

Then, in your source model you should add release character:

SET_RELEASE(92) ;  – this one is important


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